Not all athlete becomes champion. Even a good athlete may not become a great athlete. Complex reasons are associated with success for these athletes, but what everybody cannot deny is that a disciplined athlete differentiates him/her from the rest.
A volleyball player once said that a team play is effective if it was practiced many times. This way, the body remembers to perform the play as a reflex and without careful thought. The spiker can then focus on her strategy to score. The body memory helps unclog a player’s mind from thinking details and can make smart decisions on a split second.
Habits are what we consistently do without much effort and careful thought. These habits define us as a person. It becomes our identity. To cultivate a healthy habit, you need to tackle it like an athlete who intends to be a champion.
Here are 20 quotes to inspire you to champion good habits.
01 If you want to establish a new habit, you must focus on it until it has become a permanent part of your daily routine. ~ S. J. Scott
02 Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~ Jim Rohn

03 Goods habits are worth being fanatical about. ~ John Irving
04 Habit is stronger than reason. ~ George Santayana
05 Cultivate only the habits that you are willing should master you. ~ Elbert Hubbard
06 Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny. ~ Gandhi
07 Change might not be fast and it isn’t always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped. ~ Charles Duhigg
08 We become what we repeatedly do.~ Sean Covey
09 Sow a thought, and you reap an act; sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny. ~ Samuel Smiles

10 A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit. ~ Erasmus
11 Habits stay with you even when you don’t have the motivation. ~ Neeraj Agnihotri
12 Replacing just a few key negative habits with a few positive habits can easily be the difference between being mostly unhappy and being happy almost all of the time. ~ Tyna
13 By developing and practicing good habits each day, you affirm that you do have control over the very core of your life in the midst of the chaos. ~ Stephen Guise
14 By simply breaking some of your more ingrained habits you will help dissolve away your suffering. ~ Vidyamala Burch
15 All people are the same; only their habits differ. ~ Confucius

16 Habits are difficult to break, but they’re not impossible. Learning how to rework your vocabulary and train yourself to stop saying, “I can’t,” will take time, but you can do it. ~ Alex Fitel
17 Good habits can be developed through repetition. By incorporating behaviors, task and attitude to the regular routines, they usually become a habit, thus becoming natural and virtually effortless. ~ Kellie Sullivan
18 First we form habits then they form us. Conquer your bad habits, or they’ll eventually conquer you. ~ Dr. Rob Gilbert
19 Self-doubt is the greatest enemy of any new good habit.~ Victoria Moran

20 I believe that the power to change your way of living, thinking and ultimately your entire life boils down to the HABITS you have acquired over the span of your life. Therefore the life changing decision depends on your willingness to form new habits and get rid of old ones. ~ Nowshika
21 Memorize the self-motivator, “DO IT NOW!” The habit can easily be established by repeating, “DO IT NOW!” several times in the morning, several times in the evening for a week or ten days, to indelibly imprint the suggestion in your subconscious mind. ~ W. Clement Stone
22 Today, many will choose to free themselves from the personal imprisonment of their bad habits. Why not you? ~ Steve Maraboli

According to a study of London College, it takes an average of 66 days until a habit is formed. However, a bad habit can be adopted easier. Sleep late for 4 days straight and it can easily go on as a habit. While starting a habit of preparing a healthy meal will take longer. You may start and end up tired and not achieve that habit. The research suggests that the most effective strategy is to rearrange your environment so that it is easier to do good habits and harder to do bad ones.