Elim's First Sunday Service

Baby Elim on his 16th day is finally able to go to his first Sunday service. And mama had her opportunity to testify the Lord’s goodness.

Unfortunately mama was unable to communicate her testimony clearly.. if only she was ready she would have made a note which would look like this:

I specially thank the Lord for the wonderful experience of answered prayers!
My pregnancy and child birth was not easy, and yet I have seen how powerful prayers are.

My pregnancy started with a lot of blessings, and yet it was also accompanied by troubles. It is by the grace of God and support from friends and family that I have overcome. Threats in the life of my baby Elim is the greatest adversary that I have encountered. Throughout my second trimester, I have battled with the risk of miscarriage and early on my third trimester I was side swept by a motorcycle, miraculously we were not harmed. By the time that Elim reached his 37th week, my cervix have started to dilate, and yet it was only on my 5th day of labor with the help of oxytocin and internal dilation that my cervix have fully dilated.

My baby weighs 2,780 grams at birth, only 780 grams more than the lower borderline of a normal birth weight for a Filipino baby. He was small and quite thin but very much healthy. And it makes me real proud to state that he is not only a miracle baby but a strong survivor.

As I battle the pain of a long and slow labor, unknowingly my baby is fighting for his life. The single loose umbilical cord looped around his mouth which was detected on a sonogram six days before his birth has become double and tight around his neck. It was unknown when this have occurred, though it is most probable that the cord has tightened during my active labor.

Cord loop, especially double always warrant an emergency cesarean section once detected by a medical professional. It is usually detected through a sonogram (ultrasound), but in cases that it is undetected, signs during labor usually suggest a cord looped – which are long labor and a baby that won’t engaged even if the cervix is fully dilated.

In my case though, the dilation of my cervix are progressing too slow and the strength of my contractions are not strong enough. Thus, the slow engagement of my baby was not questioned. And so waiting is the only reasonable response to my situation.

At 7cm cervical dilation my contraction have finally kick in strong and long ready for birth, and I was getting out of control and hyperventilating. In my frustration I have questioned the Lord for allowing such pain and agony for such a long time. But I have proven that indeed the Lord will never forsake His children, and in just two hours I have progressed to 9 cm cervical dilation. By then I was situated to the delivery room for an internal dilation and practice pushing. Unfortunately I already lost most of my energy and is very much drowsy.

After almost an hour pushing, I have delivered my baby via normal spontaneous delivery. And it was only discovered then that my baby have just survived near death.

And it is only by the grace of God that my baby is able to sustain his life all though out pregnancy and delivery. Without Him, I might have lost my most precious Elim!

Newborn Baby

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