delighted woman turning point feature

A journal entry: May 29, 2019

So I quit a good-paying job at age 29. I worked home-based, started a business, and applied for different jobs. I was broke, rejected, and a failure. I’ve gone through depression, jealousy, and frustration. I fought, prayed, and tried again.

It seemed a very bad turn in my life at 30. Many would say so. But at this point, I see the goodness of God. He had provided for the needs of my family. I have seen the love and support of my husband. I have seen the support of my family. I discovered my courage. I overcame depression and suicide ideation. I fought not with what I can but through the leading of God.

I woke up every day with no idea of what my life will become. My plans were never long term. I live each day accepting what the Lord brings in. Sometimes it felt like being too irresponsible, but if it is so I should feel contented and not on a verge of despair. It is only knowing my worth in Christ that I don’t give up and continue for another day.

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