Heavenly Father, we praise and honor you. You are good and your love endures forever. Indeed, you are our rock and salvation.

Today, we ask that you cleanse us and make us worthy of your presence. Forgive us of our unbelief and teach us to trust in you. Reveal in us and help us confess our sins. May you hear our prayers and bestow your favor upon us.

We pray that you see our hearts, oh God. We are full of anxiety over things that we can’t control. We are overwhelmed over concerns that constantly occupy our minds. We worry for days that are not in our hands. We cry over things that cannot be undone.

Remind us Lord of your words in Matthew 6 – to never be anxious about our life because we are valuable for you. Teach us to protect our hearts and mind with your promises. And save us from the lies and the works of the enemy.

Do not allow evil to steal our joy of fully trusting your will. Help us to discern your Spirit, that we may walk continuously on the path that you have prepared for us.

Give us the wisdom to do the right thing. Help us, Lord, and send your chosen servant to minister to us at this time of our weakness.

Above all, we claim your words in Philippians 4:7, that your peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and mind, in Christ Jesus.

We thank you, Father, that through this prayer you are changing our hearts and reminded us of your words. We look forward to the works of your hand in our life. And we claim the victory of peace in our life.

We bring back the praise, honor, and adoration, in the name of Jesus. AMEN!

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