Open your heart to the Lord. Cry out if need be. No words are needed. The Lord knows your heart, He understands. Open your heart. He knows your troubles. He knows your struggles. He will give you comfort. Open your heart.

We are nearing the most holy place, in the heart of Jesus himself. Do not fear, for His grace is full. He gave up His life to tear down the curtains that separates us from Him. For He cares for us, and He wants us to come.

Come boldly in the presence of the Lord. No offering is small enough. He wants you as you are. As broken as you are. He wants you all.

“Come”, the Lord says “come my child”.

He knows your struggles, and He is offering you rest. Come and rest in the Father. Only through Him that your emptiness will be filled. Only through Him that you can have real joy.

No more pretensions. No more excuses. Come to the Father.

Their is greater joy in the presence of the Lord. Their is healing. Their is hope.

Open your heart. Surrender everything to Him. He will take them all. He is thinking of you, of these very moment of hurts you are in, as He carried the cross and endure death at the cross. You were on His mind. And it gave Him strength to surrender. For He knows that this day will come and you will need His message of love.

Come to the father. Shout, whisper, or think of His name. Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!

I am yours Jesus. I am yours.


0 thoughts on “The Lord’s Call to the Broken

  1. This song has been one of my favorites when starting as a christian in my early 20’s. I was just reminded of how this song made me cry everytime. It reminds me of how great the love of the father is. Keep on writing pls. U inspire me ☺️

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